Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Family Movie Nights: The Adult Years

Now that Abby and I are in college, our family rarely has moments when all of us are together doing the same thing. It doesn't happen suddenly. It's slow and sneaky, and finally one day you realize that everyone is in the house together doing different stuff.

Last night we had a very impromptu family movie night. Other than going to the theater with friends to see movies, we don't really have evenings where we gather around the television for two hours (my mom often says she doesn't have the patience to watch movies). The Switch––conveniently one of Abby's newest favorite movies––was on TV, but we soon got sick of commercials and switched to Netflix.

Then. . . Boom! We were having a family movie night. Sure, the semen part was a little weird, but now that we're all adults, most of those awkward scenes aren't as awkward anymore! We can all enjoy the R-rated movies, not stifle an immature laugh when they say penis, or die a little bit when a sex scene pops up.

It was nice to laugh at the same lines as my parents, felt cozy to have my mom pop some food in the oven for a snack, and was a rare treat that we all stayed up a little later than usual (even though work was the next day) to enjoy a movie together.

And yeah, now we will probably have a family inside joke, all saying, "Oh my God. . . I have that."

Do you still have family movie nights with your parents? We once endured The Full Monty with our parents, and they painfully watched every Harry Potter and Twilight movie. Any good grown up films you would recommend for fun family evenings? I'd love to see something funny and smart!

P.S. We also now love Arrested Development and Jason Bateman. 

Photo via

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