Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Arrested Development

I know I'm late to the party, but Arrested Development is pretty much the greatest. After The Office ended, I was feeling a little saddened. One of our friend's visited over the long weekend and introduced us to the series, which Abby and I have quickly enjoyed. It's a smart, funny show that plays up every family quirk we love to hate. There's a perfect mix of dumb humor with witty commentary, and I must say that the best part of the show is the mysterious narrator. 

Also, my favorite line from the show: "No touching!" Jeffrey Tambor is awesome

I always get hooked on shows after they've been out a while. Do you do the same, or are you generally on top of the "it shows"?

P.S. Awesome AD posters from Netflix...
Top photo via, posters via.

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