Friday, June 21, 2013

Baking with Kids

I always kind of doubted people who said they liked having their kids in the kitchen. To me, it's a pretty adult space, and one that requires safety and some finesse. Hot ovens and stove tops, sharp knives, quickly spinning mixer beaters, so many reasons to be nervous! And then there's the whole mess thing. I like to be pretty tidy when I'm cooking. It keeps me organized as I work methodically through a recipe.

However, I was sitting the three hilarious, upbeat daughters of our family friends, and I thought, "baking with them might be a great project..."

We decided to bake scones, because "Mum can't resist them!" according to the youngest. We whisked the dry ingredients, mixed in the dried fruit, kneaded the dough, and played with the "cloud-like" flour! They even helped zest the lemon, cut the dough into wedges, and brush with melted butter. I could not have asked for better helpers!

My overall take:

While the kitchen was somewhat messier throughout the process, and the scones didn't look "as perfect" as when I meticulously sprinkle the sugar and zest, it was the most fun I've had in a kitchen. And it was hear-warming to see the girls earnestly roll the dough with gentle hands, and delight at the texture of flour in their fists. I can see now why parents like to have kids in the kitchen. They're fascination and love for learning is infectious, and they bake with so much love, everything just tastes better.

Would you bake or cook with kids in the kitchen? Are you someone that would "fix" everything they did once they turned around, or are you content with less attractive, but just as tasty results?

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