Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Paradise

Some of my girl friends recently told me about a BBC drama that has totally consumed me...

The Paradise, starring Emun Elliott and Joanna Vanderham, is a two-season series that dramatizes the life and culture of the first department store. It is loosely based on the novel by Émile Zola, Au Bonheur des Dames.

Denise (Vanderham) is a shopgirl who comes from a small town. Seemingly out of her league in the metropolitan atmosphere of the Paradise, she proves herself resourceful and graceful. With never-ending ideas, though, she threatens others above her; entrepreneurial, independent woman are not part of 1870s culture.

The owner of The Paradise, Mr. Morray (Elliott), is a devilishly handsome and enterprising man. He captures the hearts and loyalties of everyone with is dimples and inventive ideas. While he is engaged to be married, he and Denise have an undeniable chemistry as like-minded members of The Paradise staff.

So what all will happen? While drama and romance have their moments, the most exciting part of The Paradise is the novelty. The staff must come up with different advertising campaigns, sale schemes, and funding. They host the first one-day, store-wide sale; a special ladies' night for lingerie (which would be too uncouth for everyday display); the creation of a confectionary attached to the department store. It's revolutionary and romantic.

Also, the lighting and color-scheme are gorgeous, and the costuming divine.

Watch the first season on Netflix and the second on iTunes!

Photos via: 1, 2, 3, 4

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