Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I have a habit of using my days of to catch up on things. I'm by no means a procrastinator; in fact, I'm a bit of stickler when it comes to deadlines. But my days off from work are not always the weekend, so I use days like today to do things that I've missed. Here's what I'm catching up on today:

1) The Newsroom. So good, to dramatic, so Sorkin.

2) Paperwork (yuck!) for the upcoming school year. I got an email today that one of my advisors was missing some forms. Time to get out my favorite blue pen and fill out those forms!

3) Online job training. This is by far the weirdest thing I've ever done. My campus job this year is a sort of mentorship program for incoming freshman. But since most people live away from campus, or even Minnesota in the summer as we prepare, everything is virtual. It's pretty interesting. I'll be popping out my contacts and reading several interesting articles.

4) Reading for fun. I'm still on Changing My Mind, which is turning out to one my favorite reads in a long time. Zadie Smith is the bomb.

5) Course book inventory. I've ordered a ton of textbooks, but seriously have no idea what I have and what I still need. Amazon, watch out!

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